O. Canatan / author, artist

The Blackened Prophecy Saga

Newly edited e-book, paperback, and hardcover versions of The Blackened Prophecy and the compendium are out now! Grab your copy today!

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Progress Meters

Last progress update: January 20, 2025

Maegi 3 Recordings


Current: Keyboards

The Blackened Prophecy Print Editions


Completed. All versions released.

The Shadow War Book 1 First Draft


Current: First draft complete.

The Eighth First Draft


Current: Writing

Product 1

Shadows Bear No Names

The Blackened Prophecy Book 1

Product 2

Balance of Power

The Blackened Prophecy Book 2

Product 3

The Cursed Throne

The Blackened Prophecy Book 3

Product 4

Before the Dark

The Blackened Prophecy Compendium

The Blackened Prophecy Saga

The wait is over.

The Blackened Prophecy Saga by O. Canatan box artwork render.

The Blackened Prophecy paperbacks and hardcovers are out now!

The editions have been re-edited and have fantastic new cover art from Tom Edwards Design. They are available as e-books, paperback, and hardcover, including Before the Dark - The Blackened Prophecy compendium

The Blackened Prophecy Trilogy tells the tale of Raymond Harris, a freighter captain who becomes the focal point of an ancient prophecy that predicts the end of all life. As he embarks on his journey, Raymond is in a fierce confrontation with a cunning and advanced alien race. Will Raymond be able to save everyone and prevent the prophecy from coming true, or will his actions lead to the destruction of everything? As Raymond soon realizes, the path to destruction is often paved with good intentions.

The Blackened Prophecy is an exhilarating space adventure that takes the reader through majestic space battles, enigmatic mysteries, and one man's fight against the universe's fate.

Maegi III: Slow Motion Suicide

Slow Motion Suicide is Maegi's upcoming third album, which is currently being recorded. The album is produced by Oganalp Canatan and co-produced by Onur Ozkoc.

Learn more

The album has nine new compositions and one cover song planned. It will also feature a few guest names as per tradition. The tracklist is:

  1. Stand Still for a While
  2. Masks
  3. Reciprocal Altruism
  4. Infinite Waves
  5. Rat Race
  6. Slow Motion Suicide
  7. False Pretense
  8. Navigator’s Triangle (Hegelian Dialectic)
  9. Hope: The End
  10. Handful of Rain (bonus)

More information about the release date, line-up, formats, and merchandise will be available in late 2024 and early 2025 about the production. You can track the progress from the progress meter on this page. While we are in no hurry to complete the project, we are excited, as it is shaping up to be our best work yet (how cliché, huh?).

We are happy to say Steinberg once again endorses Maegi.

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