The big day has arrived
It has been a journey, for sure! As I write these lines, I have submitted the hardcover versions of The Blackened Prophecy for sale, and they should be available shortly on Amazon.

It has been a journey, for sure! As I write these lines, I have submitted the hardcover versions of The Blackened Prophecy for sale, and they should be available shortly on Amazon.
The compendium, Before the Dark, is also available as an e-book today, and its paperback and hardcover versions will be available in the upcoming days. I am currently waiting for print proofs to arrive from the post. You can find it on Amazon as well (click me).
If you were a mailing list member, you had the compendium sent to you before. This version has one new story added to the book, and you should receive that story in your mailbox in the upcoming days. So, you do not need to buy a book you already own. If you want to buy it anyway (new artwork, printed editions, re-edited), the latest version will be available for sale and is no longer available as a free download.

Thank you for being so patient while I prepared these print editions. They took ten months to produce and another five to plan. I am happy with the results and can now move on to the next chapter of this journey: The Shadow War Trilogy.